Vladas Krivickas founder of Los Angeles custom web development agency
Vladas Krivickas
As the Founder of Intelligent Clout, I'm responsible for business development, marketing strategy, and client relations.
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Simon Dau web team director of Intelligent Clout
Simon Dau
Web Team Director
I'm a passionate web developer, designer, and founder of Kartogram, a UK-based bespoke web application design and development...
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Monika Bonckute co-founder of Intelligent Clout
Monika Bonckute
I'm a seasoned journalist with 10+ years of international experience. I helped to co-foundIntelligent Clout by leveraging my...
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Stana Orihel social media consultant with Intelligent Clout
Stana Orihel
Social Media Consultant
As a social media consultant, I advise on social media management with a focus on increasing user engagement on social media...
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